I've learned from many years of experience that the absolute best way to take yourself to the next level in life is delegation: an inside, emotional connection can actually cloud judgment and steer you away from the big picture. You ever heard people argue that "You're on the outside looking in- you don't understand?" Solutions always seem so easy coming from someone who is not "Going through it!" Yet, that could be the very key for YOU to no longer be going through it.
There is a reason that big CEO's of successful businesses and millionaires alike are able to vacation and live full, meaningful lifestyles. They have learned one of the basic keys to happiness: Help! We can't do it all alone. It's why we value good friendships; people who will listen, who are on the outside. Even their perspectives allow us to briefly remove ourselves from our own situations.
My first business mentor opened my eyes to the importance of thinking BIG! Working long hours within a business that you must be present at is even more work than being an employee. Removing myself, and looking "In" from the outside allows me to step into the role of leader. This gives one the power to guide an organization or group to greater heights. There's power in NOT getting caught up with the mundane, daily tasks. Through delegating responsibilities, one can breathe, plan and then move everyone forward.
There are so many business services that are able to be outsourced. People are becoming more wise, in regards to services which will help them to focus more attention on true productivity within their lives or businesses. Viewing operations externally makes it easier to pinpoint problems, recognize strengths and areas of greater potential.
So, I hope that when you go off into your next venture, that you will consider all of the help needed to most effective.
Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!