Sunday, June 28, 2015

If You're Not Careful (Irrelevance)

One of my biggest fears is waking up each day to a routine which is irrelevant to who I am as a person! I look around at so many unhappy people whom are just "Getting by;" working jobs that have nothing to do with their talents; stuck in relationships which they never really sought after or which are over extended; having no goals; feeling as if they hold no significance within what they do! For those reasons, I admire and respect all individuals who are brave enough to live their lives as they wish; they pursue their own ideas and choose how they spend their time. I love entrepreneurs and all of those who dare to determine, in their minds, a specific path and then go for it; This includes doctors, professionals, athletes, moms, producers, etc. We are solely responsible for our lives and should, as much as possible, be "In control" of how we live. Thus, I am now more careful with what I devote my time towards; if it has nothing to do with my goals, then I do not indulge. Work-life balance plays a major part here; fun, family & friends, income, health, beauty. I consider all of the things which matter to me and then try to contribute to those areas. The goal is to make sure no area becomes "Depleted." In my younger 20's I would take jobs for an income with no real strategy for using all aspects of life as a stepping stone toward overall improvement. There was a time when I was afraid to stay with any one employer for too long because I knew that I didn't want to get stuck at that particular job. Now, I know that I can take any job and strategically use it to get to my next goal. Also, I've been learning and thriving on better understanding credit and credit scoring. Without a plan, we risk irrelevant activities. It's not required that we have big goals. Even those with smaller aspirations need to be mindful. Some want simpler lifestyles. Thus, they should choose their inner circles of friends wisely. They can enjoy special moments with those whom are most important to them. Others want everyone to experience their special moments, such as celebrities or those who choose to live in the "Spotlight." Anyhow, we should aim to live in a manner which greatest suits our individually unique personalities. Creatively travel the paths which will get you to where you're going! Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

GEM Steppers Fans