Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Senioritis 101

With so many tutorials, tips, and guides on how to survive college for the freshmen…what about those who are approaching their final years? Well, sure, they’ve been at it this long, you’d figure they’d have it down pat by now. But, upper-class is very different from the underclass. Freshman and sophomore year, students are wide-eyed and bushy-tailed…about everything. Their everywhere! At every event, every party,

Baby Dies Under Anesthesia as Dentist Fixed Cavities, but Autopsy Reveals She Didn't Have Any Dental Disease

Daisy was just 14 months old when she died.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Epic Snapchat Challenge: Week 3 Recap

Have you accepted the challenge yet? Week 3  of the Epic Snapchat Campaign features many of the industry s hottest media moguls who are currently turning up the heat in entertainment news. We re sure that many of you have thought to yourself Well what exactly is a social bee? Now until October 8th, these moguls, with the help of friends, will show you exactly what it means to be honest, be

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Remembering AALIYAH

Fifteen years ago today, we lost a beautiful person, the baby girl of R&B Aaliyah. I can definitely say I miss her music and tom boy swag. I remember it, like it was yesterday. Aaliyah was my a role model to my eldest sister. On this day 15 years ago, I had to comfort my sister as she cried, as if she lost a friend.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kidnap - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube

The film is a heart-stopping action thriller following a mother (Halle Berry) who will stop at nothing to rescue her kidnapped son. Join us on Facebook: http...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Samantha Davis: On Following Instincts | LinkedIn - YouTube

When we pursue what we do greatly, everything changes. Samantha Davis, an office worker turned pastry chef, gets real about struggling to do what you love.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Jenavieve Belair: On Inner Beauty | LinkedIn - YouTube

When we pursue what we do greatly, everything changes. Jenavieve Belair, a photographer, learned to see inner beauty after an illness. She explains how. See ...

Rastafarian Style "Healing" Vegan Soup (In The Kitchen) - YouTube

*SUBSCRIBE: Cochise visits Rastafarians while in Amsterdam and tastes their vegan soup.

Epic Snapchat Challenge: Week 2 Recap

It s week 2 of the Epic Snapchat Campaign featuring many of your favorite media moguls in the entertainment industry. Now until October 8th, these moguls, with the help of friends, will show you exactly what it means to be honest, be humble, and simply being YOU as a social bee using The Social B.’s Snapchat Page! Be sure to follow us for more super interesting videos on Snapchat at

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Don’t Get Caught Behind

IOUs are cool until you re up to your eyes in debt. In college, credit is like handing a child a bucket full of candy and being told to eat it responsibly. Yeah, not going to happen, especially since panties at Victoria Secret are 5 for $26 and I have a $250 credit limit. All of a sudden I m looking like a VS Brand Ambassador. During

Dr Sebi Eat 2 Live or Eat 2 Die - Full 1/2 - YouTube

Sebi in Philly Dr Sebi Eat 2 Live or Eat 2 Die - Full 1/2

Kids Are Lit - Lit Kids dance Compilation #kidsarelit (Part 2) || Beautiful People - YouTube

Kids Are Lit - Lit Kids dancing Compilation #kidsarelit (Part 2) Rhythm in their souls...

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Learn From the Pros

Everyday we wake up with the intention to do great things. Wether that be, being great at our new job, helping an old lady cross a busy street or just being a great friend, we all start with great intentions. Throughout the day, we experience situations that make our reactions not so great. Like this morning when that guy cut you off while merging on

Friday, August 12, 2016

Frugal Fashioni$ta

By Jillynn Reese So recently, I was scrolling through my twitter timeline and notice a tweet from Kourtney Kardashian promoting chokers necklaces for under $100. $100?? For a necklace, that isn t 18 carat gold or white gold. You have to be kidding me. So I kept scrolling to read the tweet responses and I was highly amused. She posted this and immediately the jokes started

Bedroom Diaries: College Roommate From Hell

Let s take it back to the college days dorm rooms, 4-bedroom apartments, roommates, bills, RESPONSIBILITIES! College life was the absolute best four years of my life. It s one of the many moments where the world is testing to see exactly how responsible and clean you can be as an independent adult. Unfortunately, not everyone is taught how to be a responsible, clean, and independent adult before

Epic Snapchat Challenge: Week 1 Recap

This week we ve officially kicked off our Epic Snapchat Campaign featuring many of your favorite media moguls in the entertainment industry. Now until October 8th, these moguls, with the help of friends, will show you exactly what it means to be honest, be humble, and simply being YOU as a social bee using The Social B. s Snapchat Page! Be sure to follow us for more super

Going for the gold

AND THEIR OFF….. Its mid-August and the summer 2016 Olympics are off to a wonderful start. The USA is in the lead! We currently have 16 gold medals and it’s just the start for the rest to come. With all of the events still going on, there are presently 11 gold medals from swimming, 1 from shooting, 1 in judo, 2 in gymnastics, 1 in

If It Twerks It Works: Man Start Twerking In Court

There was no shame in one Florida man s game as he began to twerk during his court appearance. Calvin Lloyd Griffith, 20, is accused to stealing an employees car from  Miami Edison Senior High School s parking lot. Griffith was caught on surveillance walking through the building, taking an employee s keys, and then speeding away in the Volkswagen Passat from the parking lot, according to Miami-Dade

Bedroom Diaries: Knocked Out By Karma

College is the reward for surviving high school. Most people have great fun stories from college and nightmare stories from high school. College is your home away from home where you can live young, wild, and free! We ve all been there a time or two where our parents believe that we re once place and yet we re somewhere totally different. Not to mention that when you

Hottest Party Of The Summer: Nelly, Chingy, & The St. Lunatics

By Bre Nicole The hottest party of the summer came all the way to Michigan this past Tuesday on August 9th, 2016, as  Vanilla Ice, Nelly, Chingy, and the St.Lunatics brought rising temperatures to  the Midwest! If you’ve never been to a Nelly concert before, the 41-year-old rap artist from St. Louis, Missouri still makes every woman in the crowd hot enough to take off

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Compromise? FOR WHAT? 

Relationships are constantly evolving, no matter how long you’ve been together; your relationship is always changing. New relationships are the most fragile, because you both are still getting to know each other, what you both have in common and so forth. In that case, compromising is extremely important. Compromising within a relationship shows loyalty and understanding. The fact that you are willing to accept something

Minding Your Own Business

Beyoncé released her amazing visual album at the beginning of 2016 that had each and every woman in this world craving Lemonade like crazy, but are we back to sipping our tea yet or has lemonade become the new thing? I’m not sure what’s going on but I do have something for all of you to sip on and the tea of the day happens

Social Media and Civil Discourse 

By Jillynn Reese Social media has been a blessing and curse for the public today. It has provided a platform for us to immediately respond to things happening around us. However, there are two types of people that populate Twitter and Facebook timelines. 1. The Good : simply put, they use their accounts for good. These accounts promote inspiritation, gratitude, humility etc. They are used for


Okay, let’s take a minute to blast our feelings on the floor about Power! With things heating up there’s one thing I know for sure and that’s the amount of hate Holly has for Ghost, now that’s ridiculous! She hates Mr. James St. Patrick so much that it almost makes me hate her ten times worst in real life, not the fake one we see

Swiper No Swiping!

What started as an illegal act of earning money has now gone viral and on to be one of the most epic topics of any conversation had in today’s society. Swiping or scamming, which can be classified as new terminology for stealing has become one of the top sources of income for teenagers and young adults all throughout the United States of America. I personally

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Women of Color Wednesday: Brittany Wright

“There is another brown girl somewhere looking at you as the charter of territory in which they only dreamed of uncovering. Find a way to share your story and your talents, your battles and what eventually allowed for you to prevail.”

The Year of Why Not. 

By Jillynn Reese Last Friday, I was blessed to see my twenty-fourth birthday. While being super excited for year 24, I explained to all my family and friends just how different it feels. Recently graduating from Western Michigan University, I ve been interning at in the communication department. This was a goal a year ago, working in my field in all. I finally feel like

Being You!

In a world full of Kardashians, be a Letty or In a world full of Kardashians, be Ayesha Curry are two meme captions that perfectly describes the story behind this post. Be you. It s just that simple. Don t let society pick who you are going to be; be who and whatever makes you happy. If you are sincerely a Letty, an Ayesha Curry or even

Smooth Operator

Everyone s on a health kick these days, from detox flat tummy tea to the infamous waist trainer. As of lately, i ve discovered a new found love smoothies! They re nothing new, they ve been around for quite some time but in this hipster age juice bars and smoothie sit downs are popping up all over town. Each cup comes with all natural and organic ingredients like kale, spinach,

Being You!!!

In a world full of Kardashians, be a Letty or In a world full of Kardashians, be Ayesha Curry are two meme captions that perfectly describes the story behind this post. Be you. It s just that simple. Don t let society pick who you are going to be; be who and whatever makes you happy. If you are sincerely a Letty, an Ayesha Curry or even

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

10 Tips for Incoming Freshmen at Michigan State University

Freshman year at Michigan State University was a big headache for me; I didn’t know my way around campus, didn’t know how to catch the bus, didn’t know how to buy books and most importantly, I yelled ‘Yea Go Green’ when someone said ‘Go Green’ to me. Here I have provided ten tips that will help any MSU freshman have a successful first year in

10 Tips for Incoming an Incoming Freshman at Michigan State University

Freshman year at Michigan State University was a big headache for me; I didn’t know my way around campus, didn’t know how to catch the bus, didn’t know how to buy books and most importantly, I yelled ‘Yea Go Green’ when someone yelled ‘Go Green’ to me. Here I have provided ten tips that will help any MSU freshman have a successful first year in

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Down with PDA? 

PDA Public Display of Affection. Usually seen in your local parks, grocery stores, movie theatres and Instagram timelines. Consists of huggin, kissing, touching, posting, filters, and emojis. There is so much affection being shown for the world to see, it makes me wonder are those couples that affectionate at home and off the gram. For example, I know a couple that chats a little on

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Advice Every College Freshmen Needs to Hear

By Tabinda Sial I will be going into my junior year at Michigan State University this upcoming fall and there are so many incoming freshmen that constantly asks me questions about MSU. I realized I found the answers to those questions through my own college experience. No one gives you a book on How to Survive College when you first get there, you sort of

Has the movement black lives matter been taken to far?

Lately there has been a lot of police brutality against the African-American community. Sandra Bland, Ezell Ford, Laquan McDonald, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the list goes on. These are all victims of police brutality. The newest victim is 23 years old, Korryn Gaines. Korryn Gaines was shot in a police stand off in her apartment with her 5 year-old son present. Gaines

The Divine 9: Sororities and Fraternities on HBCU Campuses

If you're considering Greek life on a HBCU campus, here is a list of Black Greek Letter Organizations (The Divine 9) for you to look into.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

#MajorKey to Relationships

In the hype of the new Dj Khaled album #MajorKey, and this random #NationalGirlfriendday holiday. I figured I share a few major keys to help in a relationship. First, let me say, I applaud love, especially black love. It s so beautiful to see, two people love a person so much that flaws are forgiven and the beauty of ones soul is seen and accepted. At


A night out with a bit of too much to drink could lead to some bad decisions. A partner not being truthful with their past history is a taboo in itself. Wanting to be 100% safe and healthy for your own peace of mind. No question about it, these are all reasons to go and get tested. As young adults, we may indulge in

Nicki Minaj - Anaconda - Choreography by Tricia Miranda ft @kaelynnharris | @nickiminaj @timmilgram - YouTube

Anaconda - Nicki Minaj - Choreography by Tricia Miranda Filmed & Edited by Tim Milgram

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Who can and who can’t

Recently there has been a controversy on Michelle and Barak Obama s oldest daughter Malia Obama. Malia Obama went to the Bryson Tiller concert for her 18th birthday with friends. Cute? I know right. Well not only was the first daughter in a bandu top and shorts, but there was also a video taken of her dancing pretty sexy at the Bryson Tiller concert. Many people

Meet Raquel Mc(Fierce)son

Interviewed by Jillynn Reese, Raquel shared some background on her endeavors in the modeling industry.

Summer to Fall Closet Transformation

Days in the sun And nights in the rain Summer is over, simple and plain Found me some fun that s good for the pain Already told you, I don t feel the same I don t feel the same -Word to Drake (Summer’s Over interlude; Views) Sunny scorching days, and warm humid nights…we’ve been dreaming of these times since the winter, along with the freezing,

I Boiled My Weave!!!

Being someone who loves and cherishes all things weave and weave related, I wanted to share how I revived my hair! During the Fall time I purchased some hair from Kendra P., Miink Brazilian Hair Company and saved it to reuse for a rainy day! So I m going to give a quick recap of how to bring your extensions back to life! (I cannot guarantee

Missy Elliott - WTF (Where They From) @_TriciaMiranda Choreography - Filmed by @TimMilgram - YouTube

Love Choreography by Tricia Miranda Filmed & Edited by Tim...