Wednesday, April 22, 2015

No Crying Allowed

I am not sure if this is detrimental or essential to success. But, one thing I am learning to embrace is acceptance. Acknowledge that I am in full control of my circumstances or at least over how I respond to them. Times are tough- should I cry? Many people would and do, when their finances are like mines. Yet, some keep a calm demeanor, look ahead, fully take note of the presence and use their minds and ambitions to create a brighter tomorrow. Don't get me wrong! I do believe that some take "Acceptance" to a dangerous level, causing them to never aspire toward anything higher. However, I wish for you to accept accountability for your power and role in your own life. I've learned that I am truly the only one who knows where I want to go. No matter how much I try to share and develop synergy with others- my imagination is mines! People may come along for the ride, but there can only be one driver! Where do I want to take myself and my passengers (the people whom are a close part of my life)? For certain, I do not want everyone gathered around for a "Pity party!" No Crying Allowed aboard my ship. At least not for the wrong reasons: challenging predicaments, lack of financial freedom, inability to do the things I desire. I LOVE to embrace these feats! Give me an opportunity to use my mind and I am all in! I have been blessed to always have a great amount of belief in myself and my talents. I believe I will be great and do great things. There is so much about myself that I already admire! I am so smart and determined, strong minded, confident, ambitious, creative, optimistic, mentally independent, courageous, strategic, etc... The list goes on and I am happy about it! Constantly, I am learning and trying. Quite frankly, I am very impressed! People have no idea of how good I actually feel on the inside! Sure, there are things I need to work on. But, the fact that I know that- and know specifically what needs improvement, is awesome! I see myself becoming more and more of the women I have always dreamed of! Crying is okay, it's a great meditation tool actually- clears the past for new opportunities ahead. Yet, I like my tears to be more private or only shared with the most trusted of individuals. Also, I do not dwell on sorrows! Acknowledge and move forward- that's my motto! Take responsibility for everything you have and don't have that you want! Continuously look forward to a better or smarter way of doing things. Grow. Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Synergy for Success

Has there ever been circumstances where one could reach success all alone? At some point in time, most points actually, we utilize help to get to where we are going. Even if we are simply using others as inspiration for ideas. I've realized that I will need to open up and ask for much more help in order to reach my goals. It's synergy that breeds creativity and strong support; giving us the courage to go forward and pursue higher limits. Get a strong team! Everything I want seems so complicated and complex! I just wonder how much easier it may become with the proper help? What if I embark on my path now, instead of waiting? When we wait, aren't we telling ourselves and everyone else in the universe that we are not ready for the next level yet? Well, we will never get there until we begin the journey! Last night I got up out of my sleep and began writing: The idea hit me and literally got me up out of bed. Why wait? We create our own crutch along with other obstacles whenever we stall. Yet, on the other hand, we build confidence and gain experience when we move ahead. It's almost as if, acting is spiritual! The happiest people seem to be those whom use their God-given talents to earn a living: Singers, actors, comedians, dancers, sports players, etc... These people are constantly surrounded by like-minded individuals of similar interests. There is something about synergy! It may be imperative for success which, in my opinion, is synonymous for true happiness and fulfillment. Get the right group on your side. Find those who have the same passions and goals, then build together. I've held many odd jobs. Never have I been as happy as when I had a close-knit group of friends sharing the same passions as me. This is true for every phase of my life thus far; as a child, a teen, and a young adult- nothing has satisfied my needs more than the circles of people which I have relied upon for support and development of my original ideas! I hope for you the courage to "Jump" and not wait; expand and embrace the power of synergy for success! Begin where you are. Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!