Wednesday, April 22, 2015

No Crying Allowed

I am not sure if this is detrimental or essential to success. But, one thing I am learning to embrace is acceptance. Acknowledge that I am in full control of my circumstances or at least over how I respond to them. Times are tough- should I cry? Many people would and do, when their finances are like mines. Yet, some keep a calm demeanor, look ahead, fully take note of the presence and use their minds and ambitions to create a brighter tomorrow. Don't get me wrong! I do believe that some take "Acceptance" to a dangerous level, causing them to never aspire toward anything higher. However, I wish for you to accept accountability for your power and role in your own life. I've learned that I am truly the only one who knows where I want to go. No matter how much I try to share and develop synergy with others- my imagination is mines! People may come along for the ride, but there can only be one driver! Where do I want to take myself and my passengers (the people whom are a close part of my life)? For certain, I do not want everyone gathered around for a "Pity party!" No Crying Allowed aboard my ship. At least not for the wrong reasons: challenging predicaments, lack of financial freedom, inability to do the things I desire. I LOVE to embrace these feats! Give me an opportunity to use my mind and I am all in! I have been blessed to always have a great amount of belief in myself and my talents. I believe I will be great and do great things. There is so much about myself that I already admire! I am so smart and determined, strong minded, confident, ambitious, creative, optimistic, mentally independent, courageous, strategic, etc... The list goes on and I am happy about it! Constantly, I am learning and trying. Quite frankly, I am very impressed! People have no idea of how good I actually feel on the inside! Sure, there are things I need to work on. But, the fact that I know that- and know specifically what needs improvement, is awesome! I see myself becoming more and more of the women I have always dreamed of! Crying is okay, it's a great meditation tool actually- clears the past for new opportunities ahead. Yet, I like my tears to be more private or only shared with the most trusted of individuals. Also, I do not dwell on sorrows! Acknowledge and move forward- that's my motto! Take responsibility for everything you have and don't have that you want! Continuously look forward to a better or smarter way of doing things. Grow. Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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