Sunday, April 12, 2015

Synergy for Success

Has there ever been circumstances where one could reach success all alone? At some point in time, most points actually, we utilize help to get to where we are going. Even if we are simply using others as inspiration for ideas. I've realized that I will need to open up and ask for much more help in order to reach my goals. It's synergy that breeds creativity and strong support; giving us the courage to go forward and pursue higher limits. Get a strong team! Everything I want seems so complicated and complex! I just wonder how much easier it may become with the proper help? What if I embark on my path now, instead of waiting? When we wait, aren't we telling ourselves and everyone else in the universe that we are not ready for the next level yet? Well, we will never get there until we begin the journey! Last night I got up out of my sleep and began writing: The idea hit me and literally got me up out of bed. Why wait? We create our own crutch along with other obstacles whenever we stall. Yet, on the other hand, we build confidence and gain experience when we move ahead. It's almost as if, acting is spiritual! The happiest people seem to be those whom use their God-given talents to earn a living: Singers, actors, comedians, dancers, sports players, etc... These people are constantly surrounded by like-minded individuals of similar interests. There is something about synergy! It may be imperative for success which, in my opinion, is synonymous for true happiness and fulfillment. Get the right group on your side. Find those who have the same passions and goals, then build together. I've held many odd jobs. Never have I been as happy as when I had a close-knit group of friends sharing the same passions as me. This is true for every phase of my life thus far; as a child, a teen, and a young adult- nothing has satisfied my needs more than the circles of people which I have relied upon for support and development of my original ideas! I hope for you the courage to "Jump" and not wait; expand and embrace the power of synergy for success! Begin where you are. Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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