Sunday, February 15, 2015

Just Face It: You Need To Be That Person!

Its pretty common to have a fear of becoming that person that you sometimes make fun of; Reading labels in the grocery isle, scheduling everything including family time, or becoming an exercise fanatic. So, you then try all of these different methods of accomplishing your goals which seem somewhat better than any of those stereotyped routes. Yet, overtime, you realize that your newer clever ideas aren't doing the trick. Eventually, we start to understand why so many people are the very way that we taunt. Because it works!

As we grow wiser, we learn to appreciate "The Wheel" and to respect it, by NOT reinventing it. Hence the popular saying "Don't reinvent the wheel!" Many, many people have been just where we are today. There are time-tested methods to get us out of our ruts, but we may not always like them!

I have to start becoming more like those individuals whom I laugh at in my mind. I am not in a better position than them, the truth is actually vice versus: I need to get on their level! There are some areas of my life which require more discipline though they are not directly related to career duties; diet, exercise, appearance, personal credit & accountability, social life, etc. The more successful one becomes, he begins to see the importance of balancing all aspects of life: They impact one another. Health and happiness impacts performance!

If you are not a big fan of research, keeping an organized work area, or being an early bird- you may need to become highly effective in just that. Try being that person, if only to see if it works better for where you are trying to go. If you are not accomplishing your dreams, show a deeper drive and creativity to make things happen in your favor. How bad do you want it? Can you remove your biases and try to understand why things have been done a certain way for many years in regards to reaching your goals? Are you humble enough to not reinvent the wheel? Are you willing to become who you need to be for your desired level of success?

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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