Monday, February 23, 2015

Play Your Cards Right

In the meantime, what are your resources? Some of us are born with many advantages that we are aware of. Others of us have them, but do not know it. Then, it does us no good, if we cannot acknowledge the facts. Thus, we can only begin where our minds allow us to.

We can win, only if we play; so, naturally, getting ahead requires action. After much thinking, I've come to discover that there are really no shortcuts. Accomplishments take work, commitment and growth. Period. Each day we have to play toward our strengths. Making them so strong and furious, that our weaknesses become less and less of a factor.

First things first, realize the type of life you want: Can’t work toward a goal if you do not know what it is. Do the slow research! Move cautiously and find mentors and motivation. Take the small initial steps to build a strong foundation. Then, get help: A great team that will take you to the next level!

People often underestimate how essential a team is! Yet, human interaction is necessary for most achievements in life. It is highly likely that there will be someone that you will need to speak to at some phase of your project, eventually. You need the right people in place.

To see the big picture, you should have others paint the smaller pieces: It will all come together. Doing everything on your own will prove to slow you down sooner or later.

We must learn to first prove our capabilities to the universe, then be willing to accept its offers of help which are deemed suitable for our current level or situation. If the world is just, experienced and more intelligent than ourselves- we need to respect where it places us. Understand that we are never given more than we can handle.

It has been said that “Anyone can get rich in America, but everyone can’t.” Who among us is willing to learn how to properly utilize our tools, discipline ourselves, focus and reach for greatness? Many people are much more comfortable with mundane and mediocre existences. If it is true that you get what you ask for, perhaps it’s time for some of us to evaluate our standards.

You have to begin where you are, regardless of what you think would be a more advantageous starting point. Just work on getting there first. Success is not a race, but a marathon!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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