Thursday, November 13, 2014

Are You Brave Enough?

What do you do at that moment when you realize that your life is not at all as you had envisioned? Are you brave enough to follow the route that you truly want? Or, do you play it safe? It is estimated that more than 90% of individuals are not living the lives they had intended. Yet people settle. Not only do they make minor compromises, but they make HUGE decisions that are sure to keep them exactly where they are; they work a job that expects a 30 year contribution before receiving a retirement plan; they purchase a home with a 30 year mortgage; they marry and even have children, although none of it is under their ideal circumstances!

How many times do we find ourselves careful in conversation so that others don't become uncomfortable? Can you share your true perspectives within your inner circle? If not, then maybe you need to start aligning yourself with people who have more in common with you. I am not recommending that you lose or neglect friends that are different from you. Only suggesting that you add more who share the same interests: Poets find poetry clubs, comics meet stand-up artists, musicians go to studios etc... There are many ways to share interests with like-minded individuals who will bring out your best qualities in the areas that you are most passionate about.

One's true path is a tough one, considering the fact that we are conditioned to "be stable" in America. Certainty is the goal right? Paycheck every two weeks, one home, one elementary, middle or high school, etc... Yet, when we look around, the routine individuals are not always the ones we aspire to be like. The artists who are paid high lump sums doing what they love appear more in tune with their realities. Could it be that it may pay more in the end to over go stability in order to utilize your true, God-given talents? Those seem to pay much more handsomely in the long run!

All of us were born with various strengths and sometimes a "J-O-B" just won't cater to your abilities. If we truly face reality, many of us are meant to be entrepreneurs. Some of us are truly photographers, painters, singers, dancers, market traders, corporate leaders, etc... If you are not in a job that utilizes your strengths, then I wish you the bravery to step out and reach your true potential! You can be strategic along the way. Doesn't matter if you use a job to secure your correct route. The path is one that encourages happiness and freedom as YOUR TRUE SELF. Just move in the right direction, no matter how slowly you go. I pray that you have the courage to not ignore who you are. It's not true progress if YOU are lost! Reveal and introduce to the world who YOU are. People always admire realness!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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