Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Don't Take Your Work Home

One thing I've come to realize is the importance of set hours as an entrepreneur or up and coming professional. You may be desperate to get things running! But at what cost? It's definitely important to be successful. Yet, equally important to be happy and healthy. Missing meals and friends may not exactly motivate you to work harder. In the end, without balance, you may end up resenting the very thing you've worked so hard for. It is a struggle for me to stop working at the end of the day. So, I have a goal of committing to the work hours I have established for myself.

Also, the tools available today, such as smartphone calendars and automated page updates really help to make life easier. I even schedule in personal errands and family time on my calendar. I'll be going ball room dancing with my girls on Thursday after a home loan seminar. The energetic atmosphere will be very much appreciated!

It's feels really good to be participating in our passion as a career! So, don't ruin the experience by sacrificing valuable relationships with those who'd love to celebrate your accomplishments with you. And absolutely, don't make those individuals regret your achievements! Keep their support and be sure that your loved ones know their priority and importance along your dream journey. They are another key aspect of it and are never to be neglected! Continue to work on that balance in your career and personal life until it works perfectly. Don't compromise, just organize!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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