Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Prove It!

Funny how, the more we open our eyes, we begin to see just how systematic or orderly things really are! For instance, I was working with a client who wanted a land contract and all of the prices seemed too steep for the current market values. Then my broker explained to me that land contracts are always above market value. Why? Because owners know that these are the individuals who do not qualify for traditional funding. Shoot! Are we here again? Yes. 

It pays to prove responsibility and until one can do so, they are always tested and given what seems to be the shorter end of the stick. Then the answer toward receiving more appealing circumstances is to first prove worthiness. You have to convince the universe that you are on another level. No one will trust you with what you may not be able to handle. That would be foolishness, right? It's our choice to take ourselves to the next level. It's one thing to follow instructions and do the right thing. But, doesn't it seem to be a million people doing the "Right" thing and still getting nowhere? Then, the answer must be in something more than merely following instructions.

I've come to discover that, not only must we respect the rules of the "Game," but that making moves is the whole point of the game in the first place! It doesn't really matter that I know and respect the rules of Monopoly because unless I actually roll the dice and move, then I'm not playing!

Thus, you can suit yourself and pay bills on time and see where it gets you! You've proven loyalty. True! But, then what? Are you going to pass boardwalk and never buy any property? There's always a next level beyond the one you're at. How long will you be content in doing the same things over and over? We all know routine gets boring, overtime! 

If you don't have a credit card, start with a secured one. Prove yourself! Yes, it's more expensive than unsecured because YOU have to fund the card up front with your initial credit limit. You are not ready to be given anything just yet! Lower credit scores mean higher interest rates on credit cards and loans. So what! Pay your bills on time and get a higher score, thus allowing you to get your interest rates lowered. Don't be too proud to prove yourself: No one is handed anything for free! Those who are tend to quickly reveal ignorance and lose it all. That's definitely not the goal. It's much better to prepare for status than to have it thrown at you! Some are fortunate enough to be born with available mentors, the rest of us must graduate from the school of Hard Knocks!

So, what's next land contractors? Get a different form of credit and go further: If you have a credit card, get a car note, a mortgage, begin actually paying off student loans. The game becomes more exciting and exhilarating, the more involved you get! If you have to start on a land contract with a home, eventually fix your credit and qualify for a mortgage. Pay off that homeowner, get a traditional loan and have something that shows on your credit report monthly. Take yourself to the next level when you know you have proven mastery within your current state. 

Taking initiative and being proactive then becomes more important than knowledge itself. We all know smart and wise people who sit on what they know without utilizing it to their benefit. Is that how you want to be? It's one thing to learn, but a totally different thing to DO! The world has a proven system that says the more responsible you prove to be, the more responsibility you will receive. It is much more expensive and less appealing to be amongst the least trustworthy, credit wise. So elevate yourselves! Make moves! Go to bigger and better places. Prove yourselves in all areas of life that interest you! Starting from scratch (the bottom), will only expand your expertise on a subject. Always learn AND improve.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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