Monday, November 10, 2014

"I Do" Verify My Dreams

Should you enter into a relationship before reaching success? Hmmmm! This is a very tough question. I do believe that most people would agree that it is "Best" to wait until you have fulfilled your own potential before becoming involved with another person. Yet, this is just so hard! I've tried and tried to be in serious, long-term relationships. They were excellent men and we seemed to be a great team! But in reality, can another person truly bring happiness to one who has not yet made themselves happy? Well, the answer for me is... Only temporarily!

I think it is possible to have great moments and dreams and set goals as a couple. Yet, that will not diminish or fill a personal void. Thus, I wouldn't recommend getting into an interdependent relationship, as Steven Covey calls it, until one is satisfactorily independent. Would you want to wonder those dreaded "What if's" that the wise ones warn of? What if I had waited to get married? To have children? What if I had fulfilled my plans first... Would I even be with this person? Yikes! That's a scary thought altogether!

People if you can, do yourselves a favor. Eliminate all the doubt before the I-do's. We want a balanced life with true happiness and as few regrets as possible. Shouldn't that special person be willing to be your friend and see what direction you are heading first, anyhow? Speculate and see if you even want the same ending. Give yourself time, not just to talk about what you want, but to see it come to pass.

Yeah, we all have dreams and plans. But, do we really follow and go after all of them? Just try waiting to see if those plans are actually "In the making." Make sure you two are not just talking, but walking. Do your due diligence in not only making your dreams known, but verify that they are coming to fruition before jumping the broom!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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