Saturday, November 22, 2014

How Important is a J-O-B?

How important is a J-O-B? The answer is EXTREMELY! Use this reality to empower yourself on choosing a direction that suits your needs. I sat down one day to determine the impact that a J-O-B has on one's life. It's reach was actually scary! Here goes nothing...

A job ultimately determines where one can afford to live; the type of clothes one can wear; even the type of foods eaten. This affects your lifestyle and overall health; determines whether or not you should or shouldn't have children and if so, what type of lifestyle they will have. Their neighborhoods are pre-determined based on your income, their schools and thus, their friends. It affects the types of experiences and therefore even the types of people YOU will even encounter. Will you travel? Will you need some form of government assistance? What types of insurances you will have, if any! It controls who you spend the majority of your time around and thus how happy you are, generally. If you get married, it impacts your wedding ceremony, based on what's affordable. Also, whether or not you will go on a honeymoon and where to. As you become accepting of your job, you eventually become accustomed to the types of goals and budgets you set in life. This means that overtime your job affects what you believe is even possible for yourself. Wow! This is pretty heavy stuff!

When I realized this, I knew just how important it was for me to be true to the lifestyle that I wanted for myself. My job was not providing it and never could. I was totally out of alignment with the reality of what I wanted. We have to REALLY put a lot of thought into INCOME: It's imperative that we are honest with ourselves and are proactive. Perhaps this is why natural talents are so important. Talents enable us to embrace God-given gifts which can provide the balance that we NEED. The goal is stress-free happiness from the ability to do what we love and make a living.

I quit my salary job and returned to the field of real estate. It's a risky arena with commission income. Thus, it is possible to go long periods of time with no money if one is not productive. It's been nearly 60 days from my last paycheck and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. Now I have a strategy and a chance to live the lifestyle that I want. I find that to be a lot better than the guarantee of never accomplishing the financial, material, mental and physical standards that I wish for. A great burden of hopelessness, compromise and settling have been lifted off of me. My limitations have been released! Selling and service are my strengths and passions. Also I have a knack for organizing groups and businesses. I am destined to be the CEO of my own corporation as a very prominent business investor. Real estate opens that door for me.

Some people are born to sing, lead corporations, dance, organize events, etc... If you do YOU, you'll  be a happier person capable of attracting and building more meaningful relationships. Others who you meet will be able to handle parts of your business that you may not be so good at; such as managing, recruiting, marketing, etc... Step one is to BE YOU while step two allows others to BE THEMSELVES.

The question is: Are you willing to allow a job to have such a large portion of control over your life experience? It seems to be a "No-brainer" that you probably should be relying on ONLY yourself in all of the areas that a job impacts. NO boss can read your mind and give you what you need. You have to make sure you are fulfilling your own desires or select a job that can. If your job is not meeting YOUR unique necessities, then it's time for a change! Do whatever is necessary to show the universe who you really are.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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