Friday, December 19, 2014

It's not easy, but it's simple!

The other day I was reviewing a video regarding real estate investing and the speaker made the remarks about wholesaling "It's not easy, but it's simple." That stood out to me because as I am developing into a more professional, productive and effective person, I see all too well how tasks are ill perceived. When a person "Sells" you on something, it often seems "Easy Enough" We jump on board knowing that the results are in fact within reach. However, it always turns out to be NOT as easy as we had thought. We must understand that is possible for a thing to require a "Simple" process without guaranteeing that that process is easy.

How many of us know exactly what changes to make in order to lead a healthier life? Doesn't make obtaining a healthier lifestyle any easier! The true realization is that real accomplishment lies in mastery of routines. Overtime, the very performances appear easier to our minds only because we have gotten used to them. This doesn't diminish the necessary contribution involved. Simple, but not necessarily easy!

I need to call my friends more, organize my work objectives and goals, build more confidence in verbal or face to face communications, fit more productivity and become more proactive towards my deepest desires, etc... There are simple ways of accomplishing these things. Yet, I have not mastered the processes and routines responsible for bringing me the results I wish for. So, from now on I will focus on the actual steps involved in reaching my goals. Then find a way to form routine habits of adhering to the activities that will provide the intended payoff! This will mean eliminating some old habits and adopting new ones. I'll know that I am succeeding when my new habits become so routine that they "Feel" easy to me. Gain mastery in the correct activities. Make acquiring your dreams more "Simple."

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

So, The Early Bird Catches The Worm?

Don't you just hate it when you grow up to find that "Old wise tales" are actually true? It drives me mad! The simple things our parents or mentors tried to get us to understand; we just didn't want to hear it. But, I am here to tell you that it's time to STOP trying to "Re-invent" the wheel. Some phrases simply have withstood the test of time. That in itself is something to be respected.

So, I'm transitioning over to a new form of organization which is based on a weekly task list versus a daily to-do list. On Saturdays I consider all of the things I'd like to achieve in each of my five roles: Mentor, Leader, Investor, Family, Friend. The goal is to become proactive with 2-3 tasks for each role throughout the next 7 days. Ultimately, you will be able to distinguish the difference between important tasks (Pre-planned)  versus urgent tasks (No control). Also, each week you will be growing and contributing to areas of importance for you. I thought this would be so easy! My lists were short, seemed I had so much more free-time than I had been aware of. I'd find myself sleeping-in and then struggling to complete the few things that I REALLY wanted to accomplish.

Then another common-sense, logical law came to light: "Never subordinate important tasks to unnecessary ones." We need to always do what NEEDS to be done, first. Period. This is a great way to communicate to the universe of what we find as priority or essential. Don't want to send the wrong message! Because supposedly, the universe delivers to us the very things that we seem to give most attention to.

As I develop into a person who places priority where it needs to be and brushes up on my "Old adages," I'll hope the same for you! Spend your time wisely! Do first things first! And do remember that "The early bird catches the worm!"

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cash Buyers and Sellers for Metro Detroit

All year I will be flipping homes in Metro Detroit... If you want to get in on these great deals, then submit your contact information to me!

Sellers, if you are motivated about getting your home sold, but it is not the right investment for me, then I may have a partner that would be interested. Just fill me in...

Fulfill your dreams in 2015!

How Deep Is Your Imagination?

I've read many business books which suggests that we will be as successful as our imagination allows. Just how big or important is originality? I've come to think of it as respecting and honoring our God-given talents; using them to obtain more than we could ever need. Stephen R Covey says that a major part of growing means discovering that we are the programmer; then we need to write the program. This puts us in the position to completely take control over our lives. He states in his book the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People "I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to limitless potential instead of my limiting past."

We all know just how awesome our lives would be if we became the people we always imagined ourselves as. But, boy what a journey that type of development truly is! Having the power to wake up every morning and live each day just as we want to. Very exciting! I know this from personal experience. And I haven't even mastered accomplishing all of my daily objectives yet! However, the ability to enthusiastically get out of bed while anticipating my daily challenges is worth the change. I remember the feeling of not wanting to adhere to the alarm clock. Now the clock can't keep up with me!

Writing and daydreaming are two gifts that I did not fall short of. The idea that I am the programmer invigorates me! I can literally spend a whole day writing out the life that I deem myself to have and enjoy it: I can see my living circumstances in great detail. So, if it's true that the more detailed we are in our program then the more likely it is to come to fruition. Hallelujah, life's about to get "Good!"

I hope that you can take time out to discover yourself and how you are wired to behave. Then have the strength and creativity to re-write whatever does not work for you; whatever gets "In the way" of your potential. I wish you great joy in unleashing your deepest desires and realizing your dreams! Much success in your programming abilities!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Taking the Bad with the Good

You ever tried to change your diet to eliminate so-called harmful additives and substances? You find yourself in the market reading ingredients only to find that most products will have something in it that you do not want! Eventually you begin to compromise and say "Well, I'll use this because of the good that it has." Overtime, I learned to accept the bad along with the good. That's what life's all about, right? Balance. There's always two ends of the same stick; night and day, left and right, hot and cold. We need both good and bad bacteria, we just need more good than bad. So the key is not perfection, but balance.

One MUST sometimes take in order to keep giving. Otherwise we would be left with nothing. I do believe that learning when to be selfish is a major part of success. Yet, so is responsible charity another great part of success. When  we let people into our circles that includes accepting a wide range of characteristics. People are not "cookie-cutter" meaning that all teachers do not hold certain qualities, or all accountants or all dancers. Flexibility is a part of life and the wisdom to know what we cannot change is a blessing.

The truth is that we are probably pretty bad at something until we become good. Mistakes are the stepping stones which lead to growth and expertise. I pray that you put yourself out there to begin your journey and learn to gradually improve overtime. You'll get better at whatever it is you seek. Just start now!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Praise, Honor, Respect...

Is it selfish to have a motivation that stems from a yearning for praise, honor and respect? In my opinion, no! People have all sorts of motivations as they pursue their goals. As we grow and develop those factors change. For instance, my definition of success is different at the age of 29 than it was at the age of 14; Or, as a single woman than what it would be as a married woman; as having myself as my sole responsibility than as it would be if I were caring for a child. I do believe that the more people mature, the less they tend to judge and critique. They are then better capable of assessing the gist of a situation. I don't care what your motivation is, just get motivated! It may be shallow, but if you are heading down a direction that will naturally expand your horizons, you will inevitably improve anyhow.

I remember when I used to coach a youth step team. We were in the beginning phases and were trying to build a strong foundation through having the kids become better acquainted. We then decided to initiate outings and small gatherings. Two girls were arguing one day and one "Outted" the other by announcing "She said she only wants to be on this team for the trips and snacks." I guess that stepper thought the other one would get in trouble or face some sort of resentment from me for that reason. I said "That's fine!" I explained to her that it was okay to want to be a part of something for those sorts of benefits. These are children and those types of things are fun!

At that time the girls were 10 years old. Both of those steppers remained with me through to high-school. You may start off doing an activity for one reason, but overtime you gain a deeper passion and involvement. We became a solid unit over the years and it was hard for us to separate. The relationships that the girls built with each other was probably much stronger than many of the relationships that they will build elsewhere. To this day, I keep in contact with the steppers that I have coached throughout the years. We have a special bond and view one another as family.

I am at the beginning of success and my motives may be superficial: praise, honor, respect... But I am aware that over the journey, I will build meaningful relationships. We all know that relationships change everything. There are specific character traits and integrity that I have, but if I'm blatantly honest- praise, honor and respect always have motivated me to do better and probably always will. I have no shame in admitting that!

There used to be a time when I felt uncomfortable with owning up to what seemed to be vain or selfish. Yet, over the years I have personally come to realize that being selfish in the beginning is the best route toward obtaining enough to share in the end. I can't give what I don't have. So I am proud to have derived the conclusions that I have thus far regarding success and development. My hope is to obtain the praise, honor and respect that I am searching for and then write about what my new motivations are 5 or 10 years from now. Until then, I hope you discover and own up to your truest and most base desires. You can't expect others to accept within you what you cannot accept within yourself.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Are You Tired Yet?

People are motivated by all sorts of things. But, have you ever stopped to notice just how powerful it is to become tired of some situation? Even thinking back to childhood, we can recall moments when a schoolmate had grown tired of being bullied or disrespected by so-called "Friends;" parents get tired of repeating themselves; bosses grow tired of "Letting one slide;" Spouses lose patience with infidelity/abuse, etc. One thing is for sure, when a person is HONESTLY tired, things change!

We can speak until we're blue in the face, but a truly tired individual ACTS. I like to view the universe as deaf, but not blind. The thing that speaks the loudest in the world are our actions. Change is seen, not heard.

I'm 29 years old and I have just gotten tired of the way that I had been taught to conduct myself and responsibilities. It was not getting me the things I wanted out of life or within my personal relationships. When I finally got tired enough, I changed. That's when my life began to change. No more was I waking up in the morning, dreading getting out of bed to go to a job that was not for me. Rebellion was not intimidating anymore: I was not going to "Grind" to pay bills anymore. What! Sounds a bit too rebellious for you? That's right! My money was going to be for me first, bills second.

All these years I had been sacrificing and earning just enough to cover bills, never satisfying my own needs because "I couldn't afford it!" I had been doing things all wrong! What I should have been doing was saving toward a plan to better my circumstances. As a Realtor previously, I had made the worst mistake possible: Neglecting my first client, ME!

My dad had encouraged me to get my license at the age of 19. Yet, I had treated it merely as a commission J-O-B. Which was crazy because one doesn't have to treat real estate like a job: It's a career. This time around I am my first and most important client. I need to be working my own deals regardless of whether or not anyone else needs me to work theirs.

People, I urge you to get tired! If life isn't working for you, change. That's the way to speak up for yourself in a world that has grown unresponsive toward verbal language. Two common phrases: "I've heard it all," and "I'd thought I'd seen it all." Actions gain a shock reaction every time! Not everyone can "Walk the talk." You can say that you want more, but I guarantee your conditions will continue until you show that you want more. Please don't plead insanity by default: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

If you are beginning to get tired, use that as fuel to ignite a change within your life. Do something, if just one thing differently from now on. Then witness the change within your circumstances.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!