Monday, December 15, 2014

Taking the Bad with the Good

You ever tried to change your diet to eliminate so-called harmful additives and substances? You find yourself in the market reading ingredients only to find that most products will have something in it that you do not want! Eventually you begin to compromise and say "Well, I'll use this because of the good that it has." Overtime, I learned to accept the bad along with the good. That's what life's all about, right? Balance. There's always two ends of the same stick; night and day, left and right, hot and cold. We need both good and bad bacteria, we just need more good than bad. So the key is not perfection, but balance.

One MUST sometimes take in order to keep giving. Otherwise we would be left with nothing. I do believe that learning when to be selfish is a major part of success. Yet, so is responsible charity another great part of success. When  we let people into our circles that includes accepting a wide range of characteristics. People are not "cookie-cutter" meaning that all teachers do not hold certain qualities, or all accountants or all dancers. Flexibility is a part of life and the wisdom to know what we cannot change is a blessing.

The truth is that we are probably pretty bad at something until we become good. Mistakes are the stepping stones which lead to growth and expertise. I pray that you put yourself out there to begin your journey and learn to gradually improve overtime. You'll get better at whatever it is you seek. Just start now!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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