Friday, December 19, 2014

It's not easy, but it's simple!

The other day I was reviewing a video regarding real estate investing and the speaker made the remarks about wholesaling "It's not easy, but it's simple." That stood out to me because as I am developing into a more professional, productive and effective person, I see all too well how tasks are ill perceived. When a person "Sells" you on something, it often seems "Easy Enough" We jump on board knowing that the results are in fact within reach. However, it always turns out to be NOT as easy as we had thought. We must understand that is possible for a thing to require a "Simple" process without guaranteeing that that process is easy.

How many of us know exactly what changes to make in order to lead a healthier life? Doesn't make obtaining a healthier lifestyle any easier! The true realization is that real accomplishment lies in mastery of routines. Overtime, the very performances appear easier to our minds only because we have gotten used to them. This doesn't diminish the necessary contribution involved. Simple, but not necessarily easy!

I need to call my friends more, organize my work objectives and goals, build more confidence in verbal or face to face communications, fit more productivity and become more proactive towards my deepest desires, etc... There are simple ways of accomplishing these things. Yet, I have not mastered the processes and routines responsible for bringing me the results I wish for. So, from now on I will focus on the actual steps involved in reaching my goals. Then find a way to form routine habits of adhering to the activities that will provide the intended payoff! This will mean eliminating some old habits and adopting new ones. I'll know that I am succeeding when my new habits become so routine that they "Feel" easy to me. Gain mastery in the correct activities. Make acquiring your dreams more "Simple."

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

1 comment:

  1. What do you want that requires a simple change, but it's still not easy?
