Wednesday, December 17, 2014

So, The Early Bird Catches The Worm?

Don't you just hate it when you grow up to find that "Old wise tales" are actually true? It drives me mad! The simple things our parents or mentors tried to get us to understand; we just didn't want to hear it. But, I am here to tell you that it's time to STOP trying to "Re-invent" the wheel. Some phrases simply have withstood the test of time. That in itself is something to be respected.

So, I'm transitioning over to a new form of organization which is based on a weekly task list versus a daily to-do list. On Saturdays I consider all of the things I'd like to achieve in each of my five roles: Mentor, Leader, Investor, Family, Friend. The goal is to become proactive with 2-3 tasks for each role throughout the next 7 days. Ultimately, you will be able to distinguish the difference between important tasks (Pre-planned)  versus urgent tasks (No control). Also, each week you will be growing and contributing to areas of importance for you. I thought this would be so easy! My lists were short, seemed I had so much more free-time than I had been aware of. I'd find myself sleeping-in and then struggling to complete the few things that I REALLY wanted to accomplish.

Then another common-sense, logical law came to light: "Never subordinate important tasks to unnecessary ones." We need to always do what NEEDS to be done, first. Period. This is a great way to communicate to the universe of what we find as priority or essential. Don't want to send the wrong message! Because supposedly, the universe delivers to us the very things that we seem to give most attention to.

As I develop into a person who places priority where it needs to be and brushes up on my "Old adages," I'll hope the same for you! Spend your time wisely! Do first things first! And do remember that "The early bird catches the worm!"

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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