Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Are You Tired Yet?

People are motivated by all sorts of things. But, have you ever stopped to notice just how powerful it is to become tired of some situation? Even thinking back to childhood, we can recall moments when a schoolmate had grown tired of being bullied or disrespected by so-called "Friends;" parents get tired of repeating themselves; bosses grow tired of "Letting one slide;" Spouses lose patience with infidelity/abuse, etc. One thing is for sure, when a person is HONESTLY tired, things change!

We can speak until we're blue in the face, but a truly tired individual ACTS. I like to view the universe as deaf, but not blind. The thing that speaks the loudest in the world are our actions. Change is seen, not heard.

I'm 29 years old and I have just gotten tired of the way that I had been taught to conduct myself and responsibilities. It was not getting me the things I wanted out of life or within my personal relationships. When I finally got tired enough, I changed. That's when my life began to change. No more was I waking up in the morning, dreading getting out of bed to go to a job that was not for me. Rebellion was not intimidating anymore: I was not going to "Grind" to pay bills anymore. What! Sounds a bit too rebellious for you? That's right! My money was going to be for me first, bills second.

All these years I had been sacrificing and earning just enough to cover bills, never satisfying my own needs because "I couldn't afford it!" I had been doing things all wrong! What I should have been doing was saving toward a plan to better my circumstances. As a Realtor previously, I had made the worst mistake possible: Neglecting my first client, ME!

My dad had encouraged me to get my license at the age of 19. Yet, I had treated it merely as a commission J-O-B. Which was crazy because one doesn't have to treat real estate like a job: It's a career. This time around I am my first and most important client. I need to be working my own deals regardless of whether or not anyone else needs me to work theirs.

People, I urge you to get tired! If life isn't working for you, change. That's the way to speak up for yourself in a world that has grown unresponsive toward verbal language. Two common phrases: "I've heard it all," and "I'd thought I'd seen it all." Actions gain a shock reaction every time! Not everyone can "Walk the talk." You can say that you want more, but I guarantee your conditions will continue until you show that you want more. Please don't plead insanity by default: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

If you are beginning to get tired, use that as fuel to ignite a change within your life. Do something, if just one thing differently from now on. Then witness the change within your circumstances.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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