Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Who Needs a Fireplace?

Grant Yourself Permission to "Screw Up"

     As I delve into this process of becoming a success, I find myself having to address many of the things that I do not like to do: phone calls, research, discipline in time management. It gets very tough because I like to win. Who out there is ever enthusiastic about doing the things that you already have set in your mind as not going well for you? Probably no one! Perhaps it's mental or it's this fear of failure or even success that people talk about. If it doesn't go the way I like, is that failure? Or, could it be that it may go completely well? What next? Maybe I'm not quite ready for everything to go well and deep down inside- I know it! Aaaah! That's the fear of success.

     I'm thinking that for me, it all comes down to perceptions: I want others to have a good perception of me! I'd like to be seen as reliable, successful and/or responsible. But, if I'm making calls to people who really are what I perceive as those things; will they think the same of me? Will I belong? Or, will they view me as a failure or a "Wanna be?"

     The truth is, it shouldn't really matter about what someone else views me as. I know what I need to do to get where I'm going. I need to be willing to make the right moves at the right time and accept whatever perception comes with it. I need to grant myself permission to be a "Screw up!" Be a novice; inexperienced and "Green" in the game. Overcome the "Beginner's" phase. If it means being exposed for lack of knowledge, so be it! I remember being told that we always gain the experience we need, just after we need it! Funny! But, never at that time, right?

     I like to look to Jim Carrey's character in the movie "Dumb and Dumber" as inspiration. It gives me the courage to be completely optimistic though I may be under qualified at certain tasks. Just set my sights on something and go after it. That's the true nature of success: Living your life exactly the way you wish to. If it's true that we gain experience just after we need it, then imagine how much more prepared we become with each mistake!

     It almost seems kid-like to grant yourself the opportunity to reach for something without the slightest clue as to all the factors involved. It adds a bit of mystery and excitement. Yet, still it is unarguably one of the greatest ways to learn: fall short first!

     I spoke to a private lender the other day for a real estate project that I wanted funding on. No way in the world would this guy work with me. But, now I know exactly what he would work with in the future. I absolutely will call him back at that point in time. So, I hope that you begin to act so that you can discover the various factors involved in reaching your goals. Until then...

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What's Passed Down

     When we think of genetics, we think of all the hereditary factors that impact our lives. But, I think what's passed down may stem from more than uncontrollable health "Curses or blessings." There could be more factors contributing to who we are than we realize. Take, for instance, heart disease within a family. Well, when you think about it- since the day you were conceived you were raised on the foods that your parents eat. As you age you pick up their habits in snacks, exercise, and leisurely activities. There's great chances that a mirroring lifestyle could produce correlating health conditions.

     I look at the way some of my loved ones eat along with habits that I used to have. But, I've changed many of those. There are many health issues that come along with those food choices that they struggle with, which hopefully I'll avoid. Aside from the medical similarities which may actually be more so rooted in controllable choices rather than heredity, there are psychological influences.

     I was raised in an extended family where my grandmother was head of the household. She and her husband had separated long before I was born. Though they were not together, granddad came around on Holidays and kept in touch fairly well. My mom and dad were broken up before I was born. Yet, he was always a part of my life. Never missed birthdays, made sure I interacted with my other siblings- we spent time together and he was there when I really needed him. All of my grandmother's daughters never married. Two, including my mom, had children. I wonder how my grandmother's marriage influenced them? I'll never forget their judgmental comments on relationships and how "Stupid" women were to put up with these men and their faults. Single was definitely a superior option according to the women of my world.

     But, is it a weakness to never learn to successfully merge your life with a partner? Human interaction is an important quality. Don't get me wrong, our family has always been close-knit. Yet, I know from experience that relationships are very tough and it is an accomplishment in itself to be able to understand another gender and balance that feminine/masculine partnership. It is an entirely different level than that of blood family and friends. Is there a part of me that values single life more than relationships? It's always so easy for me to walk away from a committed relationship versus working to build it up properly; no matter how long we've been together.

     There are other things that are passed down from family & loved ones. My family owns a home, but never or rarely does repairs or upgrades- always taking the quick, easy fixes. Could this affect my ability to work hard and raise my standards? Family members live from paycheck to paycheck; no real investment strategies; low credit scores; rarely travel... Perhaps this is why I care so much for these things in my life. I feel that they are important. Yet, there has been no one to guide me in a different direction, making the journey sometimes frustrating and overwhelming! I fit perfectly amongst my familial standards at the time being. However, I do have a Forex trading account (Investment) and a credit card and a real estate license. Also, my mom and I did recently establish an LLC so that I can begin wholesaling properties. I also have a non-profit youth program that I will develop further for mentoring young girls. I probably like helping young girls so much because my mom was such a strong and positive influence in the lives of I and my childhood friends.

     It's just amazing to witness how what we see impacts what we do. Then what we do impacts how and who we become. It is said that these things are hereditary. Are they? Many of our circumstances seem to merely stem from what we have learned. So, I'm guessing that we all need to take a closer look at who we are and how we live our lives. What do you want to pass down?

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Talk about a Family Vacation!

I'd love my family to spend Christmas Holiday Season at someplace like this!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Gap: choose to DO the best thing!

     The gap between stimulus and response- this one hit me hard and I've been pondering it all week long. Wondering what the hell I've been doing wrong and deriving at the scary conclusion that I am my own weakness. It's these choices! This free-will and these damned choices we have to make with our time. Along with the harsh reality that our circumstances our mainly our own making. What do you do with your time all day, everyday?

     Is it wasted? Perhaps just a large chunk of it... You have the freedom to choose your response to each and every stimuli received! When an idea pops into your head; when you learn from reading an article or book; or overhear someone speak on an interesting subject; when you see something that triggers your creativity, etc... When you receive, what do you do next? All these blessings that come into our grasp via information... There are many successful people out here who've learned how to respond promptly and appropriately. Their lifestyles and bank accounts verify the reaping's they've encountered through merely responding. Just respond to stimulus!

     I can ponder how much I have learned and see that I've not done much with my education. All this learning and sitting in school classrooms! Has it trained us to be unresponsive and passive? We need more action in the classrooms! This is probably why children tend to hate science until the hands-on experiments are implemented into the workload. We are adventurous beings and we need to DO things. Too many of us may have become too comfortable with observation and nothing more. Is this why television rates and obesity are taking over our American culture. Just sitting and observing; that's life and excitement for many!

     We have those who sit and watch what's being done, those who talk and criticize the people doing, and lastly those who DO. How much of your life is being lived if your time is consumed by watching and talking about others living theirs?

     I pray that the next time you receive some valuable input, you DO something, anything!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Live a little!

I'd love to hang out here with my best buddies for one week! :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars

Skeleton Keys

    A skeleton key is a key that fits into every door of a home structure. What a stress relief that is; to have one key fit every room! Then I look at the universe and think of what a relief it would be to have everyone accept that fact that each skeleton (human being) here, fits perfectly! What if the name holds more value and symbolism than it's granted credit for?

     Could it be that we need to see that each physical skeleton is just right for right now; a "key" in time. There are so many beliefs out here: reincarnation, gods, scientology, etc... Some say that we choose our birth date, death date, and even our parents and all circumstances before entering each lifetime. So, do you ever wonder what the grand scheme of things really is? All things are happening for a reason, but where are we going with it all? What are we supposed to be learning and advancing into? Of course, evolution teaches us the "Survival of the Fittest" rule; whatever becomes extinct is no longer necessary for the future direction of life.

     It is all so complex, no wonder it is easy to get frustrated when determining where we each fit into it all! But we do fit into it all. My advice would be to learn as much as you can and deem what works best for YOU! All of our roles are different, but necessary; they are our own. It is literally impossible to try and shape someone else's life or convert a person to be a part of some larger group. It's hard enough determining where we belong, better yet another person.

     The easiest and most logical route to this problem is to face the fact that we are all skeletons; skeleton keys that is. We were made to fit perfectly into society. Yet, it is imperative that we be ourselves as each person is necessary and cannot duplicate another. There is literally no need for the same individual twice! That's why there is one of us. Our uniqueness is our strength!

     The idea of conforming everyone to believe and behave the same does irk me! There is beauty in difference, variety and/or diversity. Perhaps it is the very frustration of not being able to conform that drives souls mad and wreckless toward one another? You fit into this time and space, today. Your literal skeleton is a key to life right now. Be who you are. Because that means something to our overall balance, struggle and progress. We are all moving somewhere and must each do our part.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Full Performance of "What Is Love" (feat. Veronika Bozeman) from "Pilot"...

I knew this would be an excellent series from the opening song! Excellent music on this show...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Real Money Trading and DailyFX Education 1.8.2014

Aside from real estate, I love to trade the Forex market! I do believe that this is a highly lucrative industry. It will become very helpful with my future real estate endeavors :)

Key & Peele Super Bowl Special – Picks for Cowboys vs. Packers and Colts...

Since I'm a Lions fan, you know I ain't rooting for the Cowboys today... It's personal! Lol

Go Packers!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Renegade Detroit Investors Metro Detroit Real Estate Club Deal Extravaganza

Balanced Estate

Balanced Estate: Imagine Your Way To Success

Balanced Estate: Imagine Your Way To Success:      Lately, I've been stuck! I'm learning to imagine my way to success. Now, when I get up in the morning and into each activity th...

Imagine Your Way To Success

     Lately, I've been stuck! I'm learning to imagine my way to success. Now, when I get up in the morning and into each activity that I do, I do it as the person I've always imagined myself to be. How would she handle this situation? I love the way she is so bold, professional, and "On top" of everything. If I use my imagination and childhood pretense strengths, then I can be her. It's like re-programming my "Being." That's what we are supposed to do right; Write our own program? At least according to Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. 
     Life is just now turning around for me. Who would have ever thought that those youthful pretense experiences were to be utilized in the future: a natural preparation for success? My sister and I were texting a few months ago; we discovered that we had been doing what we love our entire lives. As a young girl, I was always the president over an organization. My friends and I always formed clubs, like that which can be seen on The Little Rascals film. This started for me at the age of about six; Connie from Alabama introduced this to we Detroit kids. She lead our first group. Then the boys on the block copied us and formed their own club. It was a brief rivalry. After that first club we formed, we began many others; The Girls Club, The Pink and Purple Club, etc... I even remember one summer where we tired of the competition and merged with a Boys and Girls Club. 
     Sounds cute, I know. But, there was something about group synergy and togetherness that we all appreciated. We've never gone a childhood summer without that strong group connection. All the way up until eighth grade we kept those clubs going. Then in high school we kicked it up a notch with a more elaborate name and seriously organized approach. 
     Oh yeah, my kid sis was always a hair stylist. Today, at the age of twenty-five she has finally followed her truest passion and enrolled in Cosmetology school. Naturally, she is at the top of her class. I left my salary job and have gone back to real estate as I prepare to launch my own brokerage firm soon. We just laughed about how we eventually went back to doing what we have always done. Perhaps there is something that you were intrinsically designed for? Could you look back at some of your childhood strengths and discover yourself? 
     Maybe your path is not so easily seen, but if you've ever experienced the use of your imagination then you know how powerful it can be: You can literally feel as if you are living and acting out the roles you see in your mind. Like a small girl playing "Mommy" to her baby dolls. Why not start pretending to be the person you've always imagined yourself to be? How will this impact your reality?

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Getting Out of Your Own Way

     Often times I find myself, utilizing my great imagination to envision the future that I dream of. Yet, instead of empowering me to reach my current objectives, it tends to be a distraction. I can sit and think for hours or sleep/lye down and just be who I want in my mind. I'd much rather find a way to harness those energies in order to better get things done or overcome hurdles.
     So, how does one who badly wants success, stay focused long enough to defeat their current circumstances? No one wishes to turn into a wishful dreamer whom may never accomplish any goals.  Is there an answer to using burning desires to deal with current reality? How do I remain in the present when my mind keeps wandering toward the future. I don't want to get in my own way.
     Well, those who know me, already understand that when I don't quite know, I use my imagination to draw up a creative solution. So, I will try to redirect my imagination to "Make Believe" that my present IS the future. Now I can ask "How would the future me respond to the task at hand?" The future me is successful, resourceful, proactive, responsible, competent, etc... Thus, anything that I am actually dealing with (today) should be a fairly easy to handle. Remember, I am pretending that I am already the future me when it comes to my daily and weekly responsibilities. This will be one way for me to use my creativity as a tool rather than a distraction: I can literally turn this weakness into a strength!
     I've been taught that we will be as successful as our imagination allows. It is apparently imperative to learn to use one's mind/creativity/imagination in order to continuously progress throughout life. Do you want to stay where you are? If not, then let your mind lead you into higher realms within life. Go someplace further; get on a faster track to your "Tomorrow." After all, one should already know where he is going before travel begins. Right? How else would one know whether or not he's on the correct path? I pray that you are not intimidating by laying out a concrete direction for your life. Even if your goal is to live spontaneously, you can imagine that as well. Tap back into your childhood and let your imagination start new paradigms.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Putting First Things First

     This seems to be so hard for me; putting first things first. Yes, I have grown! I am much better organized than I have ever been, actually. Yet, there's still quite a ways for me to go. My goals require major discipline and even higher achievements. Daily, I struggle to get the few, most important things done!
     Now as I write my blogs, I notice that I have to use my imagination more and more because my reality is not yet in tune with my deepest passions. I am somewhat frustrated, though hopeful as well. This is partly because I know that I am the solution to my problems and I believe in myself. However, I have not figured out how to get to that next level. There is somehow an inner peace within me that let's me relax, knowing that I am almost there. At the same time, I am experiencing the anxiousness of the "Are we there yet?" syndrome. I just want to live my life, my way already!
     I am glad to know that I MUST master the ability of placing first things first. This simple rule should never be overlooked on one's journey to success. It is vital toward accomplishing objectives. Sure, we can be tempted to procrastinate; knowing that there is so much time left to do what we need. Unfortunately, I found that to be a delusion. The truth is, free time should always be used to cater to your most important necessities first... Until those things are fulfilled, there really is no free time! It is a lie, don't believe it! AFTER the important subjects have been conquered, then one can accurately calculate "Free" time.
    So please, don't fall for the terrible mistake that I and many others have fallen for: Thinking that there is plenty of time later on to meet your deadlines. Pleasure is always meant to be a reward of previous work efforts. Don't try and steal it before paying the necessary dues. Put first things first, then enjoy your leisurely "Past-time" favorites!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Time: The Real Key to Success

     Discovering the line of work that is best for you is one thing. Being able to use your time to indulge in that field is quite another. Since I've quit my nine to five and gone back to real estate, I've learned first hand the value of the old adage "Time is of the essence." Always, I've thought of that phrase in terms of deadlines, but now I've come to see it in terms of general use. Can you imagine having a full day to live your life exactly the way you deem fit? No schedules to tend to that have been handed to you by someone else in the universe. I mean a day where you decide what you are going to do for yourself and when, for an entire 24-hours.
     There's so much power and freedom in it; it feels so good! Imagine living this way for a week. How about forever? How much of your time is spent meeting responsibilities assigned to you? Gotta pick the kids up at this time; must grocery shop around my work schedule; need to exercise after my class lets out, etc... Are you always working "Around" mandatory routines in your life? What would happen if you could eliminate some of those? Especially if they are not centered on improving you in your desired field! No "Specifics," "Around's," or "After's," just you knowing what needs to be done that day and doing it when it's best for you. Can you make each day filled with the activities that hold the most relevance and convenience at that moment; a strategy for each use of your time? Do what makes the most sense right now. Better yet, is there some activity that takes up a big chunk of your time on a daily or weekly basis, which has nothing to do with your plans for your life? What if you found a more relevant replacement for that activity? Wouldn't that make you happier and serve more of a purpose? Believe me, when you are the one calling all of the shots for your time, you begin to really LIVE! Now you can make choices which cater to your soul. You can't buy peace, not with money. Yet, time is sufficient compensation!
     I learned that step one was eliminating my time wasters. Next, further progress is found within step two: learning what to do with your new-found freedom. My days were free once again. Now what should I be doing during these hours. Then the REAL test came, doing just that! Exactly what I should be doing. This sounded so easy and brought me so much joy at first. Yet, days would pass- much free time- I knew what I should've been doing- Why weren't I doing it? What was the big deal?
     Having full control is a lot more difficult than I had expected: Discipline is a must! Geez! I need to be proactive, motivated, strategic and focused all at the same time. Everything is up to me and no one is making me do anything. I am completely accountable to myself! It's so easy to get lazy, to fail- I can't see the punishment. Especially, if I'm already used to NOT living my desires. My dreams are nice, but it's not like I've experienced them yet, in order to know what I'm truly missing!
     Man, oh man! Taking advantage of "Time" freedom really puts pressure on ME! Quickly, I need to find a way to recognize the consequences of "Wasted" time. So, here's my plan; I'm going to completely splurge away my very first check! I figure, if I can first experience the rewards, then my consequences will become living without the ability to reward myself again. I'll want that experience over and over, which will keep me working hard. Correct? Well, it's worth a shot! I'm totally in charge and I can make these sorts of calls and change things as I continue to progress. I am willing to see where this will take me. Hopefully, you will find a way to take control of your life, beginning with your time and what you do with it. Until then...

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!