Discovering the line of work that is best for you is one thing. Being able to use your time to indulge in that field is quite another. Since I've quit my nine to five and gone back to real estate, I've learned first hand the value of the old adage "Time is of the essence." Always, I've thought of that phrase in terms of deadlines, but now I've come to see it in terms of general use. Can you imagine having a full day to live your life exactly the way you deem fit? No schedules to tend to that have been handed to you by someone else in the universe. I mean a day where you decide what you are going to do for yourself and when, for an entire 24-hours.
There's so much power and freedom in it; it feels so good! Imagine living this way for a week. How about forever? How much of your time is spent meeting responsibilities assigned to you? Gotta pick the kids up
at this time; must grocery shop
around my work schedule; need to exercise
after my class lets out, etc... Are you always working "Around" mandatory routines in your life? What would happen if you could eliminate some of those? Especially if they are not centered on improving you in your desired field! No "Specifics," "Around's," or "After's," just you knowing what needs to be done that day and doing it when it's best for you. Can you make each day filled with the activities that hold the most relevance and convenience at that moment; a strategy for each use of your time? Do what makes the most sense right now. Better yet, is there some activity that takes up a big chunk of your time on a daily or weekly basis, which has nothing to do with your plans for your life? What if you found a more relevant replacement for that activity? Wouldn't that make you happier and serve more of a purpose? Believe me, when you are the one calling all of the shots for your time, you begin to really LIVE! Now you can make choices which cater to your soul. You can't buy peace, not with money. Yet, time is sufficient compensation!
I learned that step one was eliminating my time wasters. Next, further progress is found within step two: learning what to do with your new-found freedom. My days were free once again. Now what
should I be doing during these hours. Then the REAL test came, doing just that! Exactly what I should be doing. This sounded so easy and brought me so much joy at first. Yet, days would pass- much free time- I knew what I should've been doing- Why weren't I doing it? What was the big deal?
Having full control is a lot more difficult than I had expected: Discipline is a must! Geez! I need to be proactive, motivated, strategic and focused all at the same time. Everything is up to me and no one is making me do anything. I am completely accountable to myself! It's so easy to get lazy, to fail- I can't see the punishment. Especially, if I'm already used to NOT living my desires. My dreams are nice, but it's not like I've experienced them yet, in order to know what I'm truly missing!
Man, oh man! Taking advantage of "Time" freedom really puts pressure on
ME! Quickly, I need to find a way to recognize the consequences of "Wasted" time. So, here's my plan; I'm going to completely splurge away my very first check! I figure, if I can first experience the rewards, then my consequences will become living without the ability to reward myself again. I'll want that experience over and over, which will keep me working hard. Correct? Well, it's worth a shot! I'm totally in charge and I can make these sorts of calls and change things as I continue to progress. I am willing to see where this will take me. Hopefully, you will find a way to take control of your life, beginning with your time and what you do with it. Until then...
Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!