Sunday, January 4, 2015

Putting First Things First

     This seems to be so hard for me; putting first things first. Yes, I have grown! I am much better organized than I have ever been, actually. Yet, there's still quite a ways for me to go. My goals require major discipline and even higher achievements. Daily, I struggle to get the few, most important things done!
     Now as I write my blogs, I notice that I have to use my imagination more and more because my reality is not yet in tune with my deepest passions. I am somewhat frustrated, though hopeful as well. This is partly because I know that I am the solution to my problems and I believe in myself. However, I have not figured out how to get to that next level. There is somehow an inner peace within me that let's me relax, knowing that I am almost there. At the same time, I am experiencing the anxiousness of the "Are we there yet?" syndrome. I just want to live my life, my way already!
     I am glad to know that I MUST master the ability of placing first things first. This simple rule should never be overlooked on one's journey to success. It is vital toward accomplishing objectives. Sure, we can be tempted to procrastinate; knowing that there is so much time left to do what we need. Unfortunately, I found that to be a delusion. The truth is, free time should always be used to cater to your most important necessities first... Until those things are fulfilled, there really is no free time! It is a lie, don't believe it! AFTER the important subjects have been conquered, then one can accurately calculate "Free" time.
    So please, don't fall for the terrible mistake that I and many others have fallen for: Thinking that there is plenty of time later on to meet your deadlines. Pleasure is always meant to be a reward of previous work efforts. Don't try and steal it before paying the necessary dues. Put first things first, then enjoy your leisurely "Past-time" favorites!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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