Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What's Passed Down

     When we think of genetics, we think of all the hereditary factors that impact our lives. But, I think what's passed down may stem from more than uncontrollable health "Curses or blessings." There could be more factors contributing to who we are than we realize. Take, for instance, heart disease within a family. Well, when you think about it- since the day you were conceived you were raised on the foods that your parents eat. As you age you pick up their habits in snacks, exercise, and leisurely activities. There's great chances that a mirroring lifestyle could produce correlating health conditions.

     I look at the way some of my loved ones eat along with habits that I used to have. But, I've changed many of those. There are many health issues that come along with those food choices that they struggle with, which hopefully I'll avoid. Aside from the medical similarities which may actually be more so rooted in controllable choices rather than heredity, there are psychological influences.

     I was raised in an extended family where my grandmother was head of the household. She and her husband had separated long before I was born. Though they were not together, granddad came around on Holidays and kept in touch fairly well. My mom and dad were broken up before I was born. Yet, he was always a part of my life. Never missed birthdays, made sure I interacted with my other siblings- we spent time together and he was there when I really needed him. All of my grandmother's daughters never married. Two, including my mom, had children. I wonder how my grandmother's marriage influenced them? I'll never forget their judgmental comments on relationships and how "Stupid" women were to put up with these men and their faults. Single was definitely a superior option according to the women of my world.

     But, is it a weakness to never learn to successfully merge your life with a partner? Human interaction is an important quality. Don't get me wrong, our family has always been close-knit. Yet, I know from experience that relationships are very tough and it is an accomplishment in itself to be able to understand another gender and balance that feminine/masculine partnership. It is an entirely different level than that of blood family and friends. Is there a part of me that values single life more than relationships? It's always so easy for me to walk away from a committed relationship versus working to build it up properly; no matter how long we've been together.

     There are other things that are passed down from family & loved ones. My family owns a home, but never or rarely does repairs or upgrades- always taking the quick, easy fixes. Could this affect my ability to work hard and raise my standards? Family members live from paycheck to paycheck; no real investment strategies; low credit scores; rarely travel... Perhaps this is why I care so much for these things in my life. I feel that they are important. Yet, there has been no one to guide me in a different direction, making the journey sometimes frustrating and overwhelming! I fit perfectly amongst my familial standards at the time being. However, I do have a Forex trading account (Investment) and a credit card and a real estate license. Also, my mom and I did recently establish an LLC so that I can begin wholesaling properties. I also have a non-profit youth program that I will develop further for mentoring young girls. I probably like helping young girls so much because my mom was such a strong and positive influence in the lives of I and my childhood friends.

     It's just amazing to witness how what we see impacts what we do. Then what we do impacts how and who we become. It is said that these things are hereditary. Are they? Many of our circumstances seem to merely stem from what we have learned. So, I'm guessing that we all need to take a closer look at who we are and how we live our lives. What do you want to pass down?

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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