Thursday, January 8, 2015

Imagine Your Way To Success

     Lately, I've been stuck! I'm learning to imagine my way to success. Now, when I get up in the morning and into each activity that I do, I do it as the person I've always imagined myself to be. How would she handle this situation? I love the way she is so bold, professional, and "On top" of everything. If I use my imagination and childhood pretense strengths, then I can be her. It's like re-programming my "Being." That's what we are supposed to do right; Write our own program? At least according to Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. 
     Life is just now turning around for me. Who would have ever thought that those youthful pretense experiences were to be utilized in the future: a natural preparation for success? My sister and I were texting a few months ago; we discovered that we had been doing what we love our entire lives. As a young girl, I was always the president over an organization. My friends and I always formed clubs, like that which can be seen on The Little Rascals film. This started for me at the age of about six; Connie from Alabama introduced this to we Detroit kids. She lead our first group. Then the boys on the block copied us and formed their own club. It was a brief rivalry. After that first club we formed, we began many others; The Girls Club, The Pink and Purple Club, etc... I even remember one summer where we tired of the competition and merged with a Boys and Girls Club. 
     Sounds cute, I know. But, there was something about group synergy and togetherness that we all appreciated. We've never gone a childhood summer without that strong group connection. All the way up until eighth grade we kept those clubs going. Then in high school we kicked it up a notch with a more elaborate name and seriously organized approach. 
     Oh yeah, my kid sis was always a hair stylist. Today, at the age of twenty-five she has finally followed her truest passion and enrolled in Cosmetology school. Naturally, she is at the top of her class. I left my salary job and have gone back to real estate as I prepare to launch my own brokerage firm soon. We just laughed about how we eventually went back to doing what we have always done. Perhaps there is something that you were intrinsically designed for? Could you look back at some of your childhood strengths and discover yourself? 
     Maybe your path is not so easily seen, but if you've ever experienced the use of your imagination then you know how powerful it can be: You can literally feel as if you are living and acting out the roles you see in your mind. Like a small girl playing "Mommy" to her baby dolls. Why not start pretending to be the person you've always imagined yourself to be? How will this impact your reality?

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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