Monday, January 12, 2015

Skeleton Keys

    A skeleton key is a key that fits into every door of a home structure. What a stress relief that is; to have one key fit every room! Then I look at the universe and think of what a relief it would be to have everyone accept that fact that each skeleton (human being) here, fits perfectly! What if the name holds more value and symbolism than it's granted credit for?

     Could it be that we need to see that each physical skeleton is just right for right now; a "key" in time. There are so many beliefs out here: reincarnation, gods, scientology, etc... Some say that we choose our birth date, death date, and even our parents and all circumstances before entering each lifetime. So, do you ever wonder what the grand scheme of things really is? All things are happening for a reason, but where are we going with it all? What are we supposed to be learning and advancing into? Of course, evolution teaches us the "Survival of the Fittest" rule; whatever becomes extinct is no longer necessary for the future direction of life.

     It is all so complex, no wonder it is easy to get frustrated when determining where we each fit into it all! But we do fit into it all. My advice would be to learn as much as you can and deem what works best for YOU! All of our roles are different, but necessary; they are our own. It is literally impossible to try and shape someone else's life or convert a person to be a part of some larger group. It's hard enough determining where we belong, better yet another person.

     The easiest and most logical route to this problem is to face the fact that we are all skeletons; skeleton keys that is. We were made to fit perfectly into society. Yet, it is imperative that we be ourselves as each person is necessary and cannot duplicate another. There is literally no need for the same individual twice! That's why there is one of us. Our uniqueness is our strength!

     The idea of conforming everyone to believe and behave the same does irk me! There is beauty in difference, variety and/or diversity. Perhaps it is the very frustration of not being able to conform that drives souls mad and wreckless toward one another? You fit into this time and space, today. Your literal skeleton is a key to life right now. Be who you are. Because that means something to our overall balance, struggle and progress. We are all moving somewhere and must each do our part.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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