Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Gap: choose to DO the best thing!

     The gap between stimulus and response- this one hit me hard and I've been pondering it all week long. Wondering what the hell I've been doing wrong and deriving at the scary conclusion that I am my own weakness. It's these choices! This free-will and these damned choices we have to make with our time. Along with the harsh reality that our circumstances our mainly our own making. What do you do with your time all day, everyday?

     Is it wasted? Perhaps just a large chunk of it... You have the freedom to choose your response to each and every stimuli received! When an idea pops into your head; when you learn from reading an article or book; or overhear someone speak on an interesting subject; when you see something that triggers your creativity, etc... When you receive, what do you do next? All these blessings that come into our grasp via information... There are many successful people out here who've learned how to respond promptly and appropriately. Their lifestyles and bank accounts verify the reaping's they've encountered through merely responding. Just respond to stimulus!

     I can ponder how much I have learned and see that I've not done much with my education. All this learning and sitting in school classrooms! Has it trained us to be unresponsive and passive? We need more action in the classrooms! This is probably why children tend to hate science until the hands-on experiments are implemented into the workload. We are adventurous beings and we need to DO things. Too many of us may have become too comfortable with observation and nothing more. Is this why television rates and obesity are taking over our American culture. Just sitting and observing; that's life and excitement for many!

     We have those who sit and watch what's being done, those who talk and criticize the people doing, and lastly those who DO. How much of your life is being lived if your time is consumed by watching and talking about others living theirs?

     I pray that the next time you receive some valuable input, you DO something, anything!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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