Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Getting Out of Your Own Way

     Often times I find myself, utilizing my great imagination to envision the future that I dream of. Yet, instead of empowering me to reach my current objectives, it tends to be a distraction. I can sit and think for hours or sleep/lye down and just be who I want in my mind. I'd much rather find a way to harness those energies in order to better get things done or overcome hurdles.
     So, how does one who badly wants success, stay focused long enough to defeat their current circumstances? No one wishes to turn into a wishful dreamer whom may never accomplish any goals.  Is there an answer to using burning desires to deal with current reality? How do I remain in the present when my mind keeps wandering toward the future. I don't want to get in my own way.
     Well, those who know me, already understand that when I don't quite know, I use my imagination to draw up a creative solution. So, I will try to redirect my imagination to "Make Believe" that my present IS the future. Now I can ask "How would the future me respond to the task at hand?" The future me is successful, resourceful, proactive, responsible, competent, etc... Thus, anything that I am actually dealing with (today) should be a fairly easy to handle. Remember, I am pretending that I am already the future me when it comes to my daily and weekly responsibilities. This will be one way for me to use my creativity as a tool rather than a distraction: I can literally turn this weakness into a strength!
     I've been taught that we will be as successful as our imagination allows. It is apparently imperative to learn to use one's mind/creativity/imagination in order to continuously progress throughout life. Do you want to stay where you are? If not, then let your mind lead you into higher realms within life. Go someplace further; get on a faster track to your "Tomorrow." After all, one should already know where he is going before travel begins. Right? How else would one know whether or not he's on the correct path? I pray that you are not intimidating by laying out a concrete direction for your life. Even if your goal is to live spontaneously, you can imagine that as well. Tap back into your childhood and let your imagination start new paradigms.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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