Monday, March 30, 2015

GEM Re-Launch

GEM Steppers, the hottest youth hip hop step team - is returning! They are not the mere steppers that you may recall from 2011. But, they are BIGGER, bolder and more advanced! This time they are adding hip hop dance to their repertoire. Also, the coaching staff is going to be larger than ever before (Bringing a diverse experience)!

Check out their campaign page at

Help our female youth to rebuild this positive activity within the city of Detroit!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Do The Hardest Things

Are you one of those people who always want the easiest or quickest route to success! I am. There's nothing wrong with that. Yet, the fact remains; sometimes the easiest and quickest routes to success are not quite easy or quick at all. Which is also okay! When those cases arise, I am learning to deal with it and put in all of the necessary effort, anyhow. Some things and lifestyles are worth the extra work!

Credit- I need it and mines is not attractive enough to acquire sufficient amounts for my ideas. So, I just have to put energy into that area of my life and contribute to the things which will get me the types of loans and credit rating that I desire. It's as simple as that!

Real Estate- As a realtor and investor I am constantly being schooled and sold on the best methods for making more offers and gaining clients and closings. Yet, I have to act on those things. Learning through listening and reading is one thing. However, learning through experience is totally different where knowledge is acquired by default. This actually makes hands-on experience a much better option, in my opinion, as one kills two birds with one stone.

Trading- Forex trading is tough! But it requires attention and studying if one is to reap the financial benefits from it. And I mean constant studying and analysis on a daily basis.

Author- I must do what it takes to finish my craft of writing so I can become published. Institute of Children's Literature is a great school! I need to take the time to commit to my projects as well as invest financially up front in order to see results.

I'm sure we all have projects and goals. They take a lot of responsibility and discipline. The Universe will judge by our actions just how serious we are regarding the things we "Claim" to want, We have to constantly be aware of what we are communicating to it! Be sure to make it known that you DON'T have "Pipe Dreams," but actual goals. The difference is simply knowing what would possibly be wonderful or pursuing what would possibly be wonderful: The dream of happiness versus the pursuit of happiness.

If you are pursuing something, then prepare to do the hardest things.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Recognize When You're Off Track

I don't know about others, but I have noticed that it can become really tricky to recognize when I am distracted. Have you ever been fooled into believing that you were doing the right thing? Sometimes I know that I should be checking my email or reading or strategically planning. I'll begin a task and then get so indulged that my mind starts to wander, even within that task. For example, I'll plan what my next real estate move is, then the next thing you know- I am 10 years down the road with a multi-billion dollar empire. Don't get me wrong, it's great to look ahead! The problem is that often those of us who know how to look so far ahead, are poor at looking right in front of us.

We can't skip the reality of our current circumstances. Or bypass all of the hard work and miniature steps involved at the beginning. The starting steps are usually the toughest and trickiest! After a while, we can find our groove.  Am I the only one who tries to skip over "Now" and enjoy the luxuries of tomorrow?

Now, the present, is a wonderful time to be in! It is a gift to learn how to be involved today. There are always many immediate improvements and projects that can take place. They should not be brushed off as too mundane for full attention and planning. Believe me, if you want to reach a goal- today is the most important day ever! It is the foundation of your tomorrow.

What I do today determines what I will be tomorrow. Focus. Stop trying to avoid what you do not currently deem as ideal. Face your objections and fix them in order to completely and sufficiently overcome or remove them. It is today that matters. Speaking of such, one of my favorites books was titled so- "Today Matters," by John C. Maxwell. If you will take the opportunity to acquire it, it is excellent!

My "Off track" ignores the importance of each minute of every day. What is your weakness? Beware of too much "Down time!" You should be constantly working toward something. Working so hard that "Down time" is actually necessary from time to time. There is no other reason to be extra relaxed when you have not yet met your goals!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Let The Water Wake You!

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Slow Down, Breathe!

Happy birthday to me! One thing I will practice this year is slowing down... Sometimes life just gets so busy! There seems to be so much that needs to be done. False priorities. I sit and actually think about how important some things really are. Only to discover that they are not!

Breathing! I do a lot of research on health and breathing always comes up. Apparently many of us breath improperly, without really expanding our rib cage far enough. Do you ever stop to monitor your breathing? Or to take deeper breaths? It feels really good!

We are always focusing on great things, big goals, striving for something. I will relax more, in between  objectives. Relax deeper! No wonder everyone makes such a big fuss over Yoga! Our mind is always working, why not clear it from time to time? Doesn't our mind deserve to rest also? Maybe not clear it completely, but just focus on sounds or one imagined scene for several minutes. Forget all about what's going on outside of that thought!

I think another way to slow down and breathe is to take a fun course, just for the heck of it. I'd love to check out the gun range this year. Or, do an adult swimming course. Maybe even learn to crochet. Or, all of the above. That'll clear me from my daily hustle and bustle...

Don't forget to enjoy yourself and your life outside of goals. Love you all!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Wake Up To A Swim...

Friday, March 6, 2015

Never Lose Focus

What is the plan, really? Am I the only one who finds myself engaging in meaningless routes which have absolutely nothing to do with my overall goals?  I must be careful to avoid today's "Time wasters!" Though I may mean to go on Facebook and invite new friends to expand my reach, I get distracted. Sometimes things which should take 15 minutes can turn into 2 hours. Then, at the end of the day I am frustrated for not completing what I thought would be a simple daily task list.

Constantly, I'm pushing back plans to tomorrow. At some point this has to stop! Important things MUST get done! How to keep the big picture in sight: start and finish early. Through experience I see that if I begin on my tasks really early and finish really early, then I feel like the day is still mines: Freedom! I have a problem with feeling as though all of my time is utilized toward work. I need to feel like I have options for what I want to do with my time. Having a long list of tasks is depressing to me, even if they are simple!

Another thing I like to do is to look several months ahead at my plans: If I plan to do this in July what should I get out of the way right now, in March? Sometimes I look a couple years down the road; this is common when I am planning my school routes regarding higher education degrees. Which schools will I attend? What majors will I choose? I also intend to go out of the Country for my masters degree. What languages do I need to learn? How will I learn them? I am considering Rosetta Stone.

The main thing I'm working on this year is my credit score. Everything is done with a strategy in mind. I'm trying to specifically accomplish something and I am continuously strengthening my foundation. I pray that you are always working and striving toward something higher.

I firmly believe in continued improvement: I do not believe one can ever be done with bettering himself! Life is only worth living when there is something that we are looking forward to. I fear to imagine what it's like to not aspire toward something! Science claims that this is the number one cause of death, feeling like there is nothing or no one to live for. People lose all of the "Fight" within them. Will you accept a TKO?

I thank God for my ability to reflect on where I've been, what I've learned and how much I have grown. I've always been a dreamer, but now I am more realistic; better prepared to meet my goals. I've learned how to slow down and move wisely. I also thank God that I still believe in myself and my dreams; that I still try! I'm thankful for optimism, for hope!

Be sure to draw a straight and narrow path toward your goals. Do not veer right nor left! Recognize when a distraction grasps your attention for far too long. Lastly, address your faults immediately!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Check Out My Tub! (I wish... Lol)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Turning Around

I remember being in driver's ed, when it came to turns we were taught to slow down during the first half of it and then gradually accelerate. As I go through life, I am realizing that all turns require the very same. There are challenges that arise and obstacles which need to be faced. In order for me to experience success, I often need to slow down at first: evaluate my situation and develop a plan. Afterwards, I can intelligently move ahead!

The process of slowing down includes analyzing what's going on, doing research on the best courses of action, and gathering all of the right tools, while cautiously moving along. Once I catch a good rhythm, I can then go faster at the same tasks; thanks to experience.

These rules apply whether we are turning around our health, income, confidence, love, etc... Sometimes the best way to speed up is to slow down!

All things symbolic, take lessons from everywhere in life and apply them when necessary! If you are on an incorrect path, decelerate and assess a prime opportunity for a turn. You can do it! Remember, pace yourself and learn all that you need to know beforehand: Ease forward!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

Hey Mama - David Guetta, Nicki Minaj, Afrojack

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Instructions: Using My Natural Strengths

Often wonder if there really are any keys to true success? We always seem to find some sort of way or system that could work for anyone. But, the truth is, being successful within a field, does not mean being successful within life! How often do people get stuck in the wrong lines of work. Does it matter how good or well you work a particular career, if you are unhappy?

Don't get me wrong! Advice on how to succeed at in endeavor is great! If that's your passion? Tips on how to succeed in the competitive dance world, real estate, coaching, teaching etc are great for those who know that those are their fields. But, when a singer is succeeding at law or a writer succeeding at management, tough!

I had to really sit and think hard one morning about who I truly am and what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm a mentor who uses real estate and trading to earn a living. Writing is one of my talents, it keeps me well-rounded and balanced- so I could also do that on the side and earn extra income. It's all about being true to one's self.

I thought of that because I see that I am getting deeper into the real estate world, but as a worker and not a person using it as consistent, residual, extra income. It is so tricky to learn you field and then grant it the wrong level of priority within our lives. Or, to be within the correct field, but utilize your talents ineffectively!

Find out who you are. Master the essential tasks which makes you YOU!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!