Friday, March 27, 2015

Do The Hardest Things

Are you one of those people who always want the easiest or quickest route to success! I am. There's nothing wrong with that. Yet, the fact remains; sometimes the easiest and quickest routes to success are not quite easy or quick at all. Which is also okay! When those cases arise, I am learning to deal with it and put in all of the necessary effort, anyhow. Some things and lifestyles are worth the extra work!

Credit- I need it and mines is not attractive enough to acquire sufficient amounts for my ideas. So, I just have to put energy into that area of my life and contribute to the things which will get me the types of loans and credit rating that I desire. It's as simple as that!

Real Estate- As a realtor and investor I am constantly being schooled and sold on the best methods for making more offers and gaining clients and closings. Yet, I have to act on those things. Learning through listening and reading is one thing. However, learning through experience is totally different where knowledge is acquired by default. This actually makes hands-on experience a much better option, in my opinion, as one kills two birds with one stone.

Trading- Forex trading is tough! But it requires attention and studying if one is to reap the financial benefits from it. And I mean constant studying and analysis on a daily basis.

Author- I must do what it takes to finish my craft of writing so I can become published. Institute of Children's Literature is a great school! I need to take the time to commit to my projects as well as invest financially up front in order to see results.

I'm sure we all have projects and goals. They take a lot of responsibility and discipline. The Universe will judge by our actions just how serious we are regarding the things we "Claim" to want, We have to constantly be aware of what we are communicating to it! Be sure to make it known that you DON'T have "Pipe Dreams," but actual goals. The difference is simply knowing what would possibly be wonderful or pursuing what would possibly be wonderful: The dream of happiness versus the pursuit of happiness.

If you are pursuing something, then prepare to do the hardest things.

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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