Saturday, March 7, 2015

Slow Down, Breathe!

Happy birthday to me! One thing I will practice this year is slowing down... Sometimes life just gets so busy! There seems to be so much that needs to be done. False priorities. I sit and actually think about how important some things really are. Only to discover that they are not!

Breathing! I do a lot of research on health and breathing always comes up. Apparently many of us breath improperly, without really expanding our rib cage far enough. Do you ever stop to monitor your breathing? Or to take deeper breaths? It feels really good!

We are always focusing on great things, big goals, striving for something. I will relax more, in between  objectives. Relax deeper! No wonder everyone makes such a big fuss over Yoga! Our mind is always working, why not clear it from time to time? Doesn't our mind deserve to rest also? Maybe not clear it completely, but just focus on sounds or one imagined scene for several minutes. Forget all about what's going on outside of that thought!

I think another way to slow down and breathe is to take a fun course, just for the heck of it. I'd love to check out the gun range this year. Or, do an adult swimming course. Maybe even learn to crochet. Or, all of the above. That'll clear me from my daily hustle and bustle...

Don't forget to enjoy yourself and your life outside of goals. Love you all!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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