Friday, March 6, 2015

Never Lose Focus

What is the plan, really? Am I the only one who finds myself engaging in meaningless routes which have absolutely nothing to do with my overall goals?  I must be careful to avoid today's "Time wasters!" Though I may mean to go on Facebook and invite new friends to expand my reach, I get distracted. Sometimes things which should take 15 minutes can turn into 2 hours. Then, at the end of the day I am frustrated for not completing what I thought would be a simple daily task list.

Constantly, I'm pushing back plans to tomorrow. At some point this has to stop! Important things MUST get done! How to keep the big picture in sight: start and finish early. Through experience I see that if I begin on my tasks really early and finish really early, then I feel like the day is still mines: Freedom! I have a problem with feeling as though all of my time is utilized toward work. I need to feel like I have options for what I want to do with my time. Having a long list of tasks is depressing to me, even if they are simple!

Another thing I like to do is to look several months ahead at my plans: If I plan to do this in July what should I get out of the way right now, in March? Sometimes I look a couple years down the road; this is common when I am planning my school routes regarding higher education degrees. Which schools will I attend? What majors will I choose? I also intend to go out of the Country for my masters degree. What languages do I need to learn? How will I learn them? I am considering Rosetta Stone.

The main thing I'm working on this year is my credit score. Everything is done with a strategy in mind. I'm trying to specifically accomplish something and I am continuously strengthening my foundation. I pray that you are always working and striving toward something higher.

I firmly believe in continued improvement: I do not believe one can ever be done with bettering himself! Life is only worth living when there is something that we are looking forward to. I fear to imagine what it's like to not aspire toward something! Science claims that this is the number one cause of death, feeling like there is nothing or no one to live for. People lose all of the "Fight" within them. Will you accept a TKO?

I thank God for my ability to reflect on where I've been, what I've learned and how much I have grown. I've always been a dreamer, but now I am more realistic; better prepared to meet my goals. I've learned how to slow down and move wisely. I also thank God that I still believe in myself and my dreams; that I still try! I'm thankful for optimism, for hope!

Be sure to draw a straight and narrow path toward your goals. Do not veer right nor left! Recognize when a distraction grasps your attention for far too long. Lastly, address your faults immediately!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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