Monday, March 9, 2015

Recognize When You're Off Track

I don't know about others, but I have noticed that it can become really tricky to recognize when I am distracted. Have you ever been fooled into believing that you were doing the right thing? Sometimes I know that I should be checking my email or reading or strategically planning. I'll begin a task and then get so indulged that my mind starts to wander, even within that task. For example, I'll plan what my next real estate move is, then the next thing you know- I am 10 years down the road with a multi-billion dollar empire. Don't get me wrong, it's great to look ahead! The problem is that often those of us who know how to look so far ahead, are poor at looking right in front of us.

We can't skip the reality of our current circumstances. Or bypass all of the hard work and miniature steps involved at the beginning. The starting steps are usually the toughest and trickiest! After a while, we can find our groove.  Am I the only one who tries to skip over "Now" and enjoy the luxuries of tomorrow?

Now, the present, is a wonderful time to be in! It is a gift to learn how to be involved today. There are always many immediate improvements and projects that can take place. They should not be brushed off as too mundane for full attention and planning. Believe me, if you want to reach a goal- today is the most important day ever! It is the foundation of your tomorrow.

What I do today determines what I will be tomorrow. Focus. Stop trying to avoid what you do not currently deem as ideal. Face your objections and fix them in order to completely and sufficiently overcome or remove them. It is today that matters. Speaking of such, one of my favorites books was titled so- "Today Matters," by John C. Maxwell. If you will take the opportunity to acquire it, it is excellent!

My "Off track" ignores the importance of each minute of every day. What is your weakness? Beware of too much "Down time!" You should be constantly working toward something. Working so hard that "Down time" is actually necessary from time to time. There is no other reason to be extra relaxed when you have not yet met your goals!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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