Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Turning Around

I remember being in driver's ed, when it came to turns we were taught to slow down during the first half of it and then gradually accelerate. As I go through life, I am realizing that all turns require the very same. There are challenges that arise and obstacles which need to be faced. In order for me to experience success, I often need to slow down at first: evaluate my situation and develop a plan. Afterwards, I can intelligently move ahead!

The process of slowing down includes analyzing what's going on, doing research on the best courses of action, and gathering all of the right tools, while cautiously moving along. Once I catch a good rhythm, I can then go faster at the same tasks; thanks to experience.

These rules apply whether we are turning around our health, income, confidence, love, etc... Sometimes the best way to speed up is to slow down!

All things symbolic, take lessons from everywhere in life and apply them when necessary! If you are on an incorrect path, decelerate and assess a prime opportunity for a turn. You can do it! Remember, pace yourself and learn all that you need to know beforehand: Ease forward!

Best wishes to you and your happily balanced estate!

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